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EasyRegi is a web-based tool which helps clients to organize meetings. Applications range from worldwide organizations which have regular conferences to schools and colleges which organize special events like open house or similar conferences.

Go for the free 3 months' trial

While we are working on various packages and payment options you can access the free 3 months' trial version. Just contact us by e-mail
and give us some background about your application. We will then create a test client for you.

Mobile Apps regi and booki

regi is an app which allows you to register for a conference. With booki you can register for a whole cluster of conferences

regi booki

Mobile App howmany

howmany is an app which provides you with a quick access to the number of registrations for a given conference.


Mobile Apps konfi and konfi-admin

konfi and konfi-admin are apps which allow you to access the agenda for a conference. Imagine a type of conference where the participants attend only specific agenda items. With konfi-admin the administrator of the conference can switch to the next agenda item. All konfi users can check from their mobiles whether "their" agenda item is next.

konfi konfi-admin

A quick overview

In this introduction video you will get a quick overview over the most basic features of EasyRegi.

Many advantages

EasyRegi has been developed together with two clients. Whenever it fits into the product strategy we will incorporate your individual wishlist into the product.

For small and large organizations

Packages will be priced on number of users from 10 (€ 1,20 per month) to 10000 (€ 120 per month).

Fast entry

You can start today!

Mobile Apps

Various mobile Apps available.

EasyRegi V4

EasyRegi is a web-based multi-client application helping organizations to manage all kind of conferences. There is a back-end solution “regi-admin” which is PC oriented and several front-end solutions which run as mobile server-based apps.


  • client admin
  • Manages all aspects of a client
  • client assist
  • (Almost) the same rights as client admin
  • org admin
  • Manages all aspects for a specific organization
  • cluster admin
  • Manages all aspects of a cluster of conferences
  • conf admin
  • Manages all aspects for a specific conference

The main elements for every client are

  • Organizations
  • Could be a member firm in an association or a class of students in a college
  • Users
  • The individual users of the system, every user belongs to one organization
  • Conferences
  • Meetings of users
  • Clusters
  • Conferences can be combined into clusters, any conference can belong to 0 or 1 clusters
  • Registrations
  • Several users can register for several conferences
Every record can be archived and re-activated again, there is no physical purging of data with the exception of registrations.


Organizations are created and updated individually by the client admin or client assist. They consist of a name, country and a numeric tag. With the tag you can divide your organizations into groups. In a college you could have a student tag, a teacher tag and an admin tag. An administrator can be appointed for an organization.


Users are created and updated individually by the client admin, client assist or orga admin. They consist of a username (= email address), first name, last name and gender. There is a selection box for selecting the organization. A password can be set for every user (optional). Also optional is a cell phone number. Users can also be inserted by a batch file in case there are hundreds of users. This kind of users are called “batch users” as opposed to “dialogue” users above.


Conferences are created and updated individually by the client admin, client assist, cluster admin or conf admin. They consist of a code (conference name), venue, start date/time and end date/time. Time is optional; however, when you enter start time and end time, conferences are prevented from parallel registrations by one user. An administrator can be appointed for a conference. The following options can be turned on/off for every conference:
  • Hotel-Indicator: Does this conference include hotel reservation?
  • Spouse-Indicator: Does this conference include spouses?
  • Email-Indicator: Does the conference admin receive automatic emails from reservations?
  • Mobile-Indicator: Does the conference allow self-enrollment
  • Agenda-Indicator: Does the conference use the agenda feature?
A special optional feature of conferences is the “Agenda”. If conferences have an agenda people can leave the conference and check the current agenda item on their mobile, return to the conference when a certain agenda item is next. In a college, teachers can be asked only to attend the parts of the conference where their classes are handled. When using agendas make sure that the right conference is declared “Current”.


Cluster are created and updated individually by the client admin or client assist. They consist of a name and an expiry date. Once created, conferences can be added to the cluster or later on removed again. One cluster has to be declared “Current”; this is done automatically when there is only one cluster declared. An administrator can be appointed for a cluster.


Registrations are created and updated individually by the client admin, client assist or conf admin or by self-registration if turned on in the conference declaration. They consist of a conference, a user, and optional arrival date, departure date, hotel and spouse information. Also room sharing between users is an option. All this optional information can be turned off and on by parameters in the conference declaration. There are two ways of registering in Regi-admin: Picking an organization, then picking a user. Go back to registrations, click “New” and “Fetch” the picked user, then enter the additional information. You can also go to registrations, click on “users-select” (face right of “New”), pick an organization and simply click on the selected users. You can then edit the individual registrations and add the additional information. There are also two tools for self-enrollment from mobile: “Regi” for enrollment into a specific conference with the opportunity to enter the optional information or “Booki” for quick enrollments into several conferences of a cluster without options.